Our DEVISE4KE consortium was represented at the NORDYRK conference in Reykjavik, Iceland from 2-5 June 2024. Vivian Harberts (University of Bremen) and Dr Julian Ng (Warnborough College Ireland) participated in the conference organised by the Nordic Research Network on Vocational Education and Training. The theme this year was “Evolving VET: Navigating traditions and transformation”.
We presented our paper “Strategy for Digital Transformation and Work-based Learning in VET-Schools in Homa Bay, Kenya” in the session entitled “Learning in VET: Novel Approaches”. This paper published the results of a quantitative analysis of digital competences of secondary school students and teachers, as well as a qualitative needs analysis of staff competences (both transversal and digital) in companies in the ongoing DEVISE4KE project.
The presentation generated some wonderful discussions with colleagues from different countries and the project consortium is excited to continue with the approach of:
- Providing reliable power supply and access to low-energy devices for secondary schools
- Providing foundational knowledge in didactics for digital content creation
- Supporting a better link to industry (e.g. through learning and work tasks) for secondary school students
- Providing capacity building for students and teachers
Together as a team, DEVISE4KE will continue the journey towards sustainability and 21st-century skills in Homa Bay, Kenya.